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What is is a web3 social media app that lets you invest in your friends’ social networks or any set of users to tokenize their credibility. You can buy and sell shares (keys) of other users/creators, which give you access to exclusive content, chat rooms, and more. is built on Polygon, a layer-2 solution for scaling Ethereum.

How do I join

To join, you need to have a Twitter account and a Web3 wallet like Metamask. Unlike which has limited access, is open for all.

How do I buy and sell shares (keys) of other users?

To buy and sell shares (keys) of other users, you need to have MATIC tokens in your wallet. You can buy MATIC tokens from Coinbase/Binance or other exchanges that support it. You can then use the website to browse the profiles of other users and see their share price, market cap, and popularity. You can also search for users by name. To buy shares (keys) of a user, you need to select buy and confirm the transaction. To sell shares (keys) of a user, you need to select sell and confirm the transaction.

What are the benefits of buying and selling shares (keys) of other users?

Buying and selling shares (keys) of other users can give you various benefits, such as:

Access to exclusive content: Some users may offer exclusive content, such as photos, articles, etc., to their shareholders (keyholders). You can view this content by holding their shares (keys).
Access to chat rooms: Some users may create chat rooms for their shareholders (keyholders) to interact with them and each other. You can join these chat rooms by holding their shares (keys).
Access to perks: Some users may offer perks, such as shoutouts, discounts, giveaways, etc., to their shareholders (keyholders). You can claim these perks by holding their shares (keys).
Speculation: You can buy and sell shares (keys) of other users based on your prediction of their future popularity and credibility. You can make a profit by selling shares (keys) at a higher price than you bought them.
How do I earn money from my profile on

To earn money from your profile on, you need to attract investors who will buy your shares (keys). You will receive MATIC tokens from each sale, minus a small platform fee that goes to the app.

How is fees distributed on

Unlike Post Tech, which charges a 15% fee, adopts a different approach. On this platform, 5% is given to the account owner, while the remaining 5% is allocated as a protocol fee.

Is it safe to use

Yes. focuses on security and privacy. Our smart contracts are verified and anyone can see them on PolygonScan here.

Is it safe to link Twitter on

Yes. We use Twitter's OAuth API to authenticate users and verify ownership of their Twitter username. We also fetch user's profile picture and name from Twitter to display on We do not request posting permissions from Twitter, so we cannot post on your behalf. Safety and privacy are our top priorities.

How do I contact the support team of

To contact the support team of, you can use the following methods:

  • Email:
  • Twitter: @polyfriendtech
  • Telegram